Koch, Barry
Barry Koch is Former Counsel to the Investigation Division at the New York County District Attorney’s Office. Formerly, he was Chief Compliance Officer at Western Union, where he led a global team of about 2,200 compliance professionals. A lawyer, he is a frequent speaker at diverse private and public sector events, including those of the United States Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State and Treasury, the IRS and DEA, the intelligence and diplomatic communities and Financial Intelligence Units worldwide. He has addressed a plenary session of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on Leveraging Anti-Money Laundering Regimes to Combat Human Trafficking and the National Association of Attorneys General Presidential Initiative Summit on Human Trafficking. He served as Chair of the New York State Bar Association’s Committee on the United Nations and Other International Organizations, Chair of The Consular Law Society, Inc., and legal counsel to the Society of Foreign Consuls in New York. A licensed pilot and motorcycle enthusiast, he has taught international business law as an adjunct faculty member of Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business Administration.